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In the new era, language studies have been concerned as the primary goal of many universities as well as the technological advancements. One of the educational goals of Social Sciences University of Ankara, which is specialized in social studies and humanities, is to contribute to the advancement of science, society, and humanity through education, research, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility activities in the field of social sciences. In light of this vision, The International Symposium on New Trends in Language Studies II, organized by Faculty of Foreign Languages, has comprehensively focused on language studies and contributions of technology to research and study in languages. To this end, the papers and speeches about the topics of New Developments in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, Translation Studies, Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Language, Teacher’s Research in Foreign Language Teaching, New Practices in Foreign Language Assessment and Evaluation were presented and discussed by 80 national and international researchers in 9 plenary sessions, 1 workshop, and 19 concurrent sessions. The participants specifically focused on the purposes and content through which language manifests itself, as well as the impact it has on addressing emerging issues. We extend our best wishes to whoever has shared his or her support during the preparation and presentation of the symposium. We hope to meet in the third symposium with the new topics and more participants next year.

Prof. Dr. İsmail ÇAKIR

Conference Chair On Behalf of the Organizing Committee

Kitap Adı
Uluslararası Dil Çalışmalarında Yeni Yönelimler Sempozyumu II
Katkı Yapanlar

Editör Prof. Dr. İsmail Çakır

yayınlanma tarihi
Kitap Kategorisi
Uluslararası Dil Çalışmaları Sempozyum Kitabı

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